Put your pasta on to boil.

Saut̩ a small diced onion & 2 cloves of garlic minced РI use a sprinkle of apple juice instead of oil.

In a food processor blend the onion & garlic with cashew nuts (3/4 cup soaked for several hours) & the below ingredients until smooth:
Vegetable broth, 2 cups
Brown miso, 1.5 Tbsp
Nutritional yeast, 1/4 cup
Tomato paste, 1/2 Tbsp
Turmeric, 1/2 tsp
Corn starch, 1.5 Tbsp

Bring the mixture to a boil then simmer 5-8 minutes while stirring. Once it’s thick mix the cooked & drained pasta into it. Serve with salt, pepper & a squeeze of lemon juice.